A UK National Collection


Distribution  - China

Description –   A medium sized evergreen, clump forming Epimedium, with fairly distinct narrow spiny margined leaves, reminiscent of E. ilicifolium. The flowers are yellow also, so they may well be close cousins. Perhaps someone will publish a paper on it, suggesting a proper species, botanical name, at some point.

A very similar or identical plant E. ‘Sphinx Twinkler’ appeared in the UK about the same time. Darrell Probst who collected this gem, has informed me that they are the same plant under the two names. However I have plants bought under the two different names, growing side by side, and one is more vigorous and has different young foliage colour. However, this could be because one has been grown in tissue culture and has become healthier due to any viruses being removed by the process.

Epimedium species nova 'Spine Tingler' Cc 001764